Saturday, October 18, 2008

Vacation is for Rest?

Hello from our hotel room in Stockholm. Unfortunately that is where we have been from most of the day. Dennis is under the weather. He was sick most of the night and has slept most of the day. We did get out and walk around some tonight but he had to come back to the room again.

I think this is the most sleep I have gotten without my chemo cocktail's help ever! We are listen to the Alabama game via the internet. It will be 1 a.m. when TN's game starts so I think we will just find out the score in the morning.

Since I don't have any exciting stories today I thought I would share a few things that I have discovered on this trip. There is not Diet Coke in Sweden................ it is Coke Light. I know I think that I would have had to cut the trip short if there was no Coke Light!

To buy any type of drug, even "Advil" you must go to the Pharmacy. Ibuprofen comes in 400 mg(?) We made a trip this evening.

Dennis wanted some crackers or something like that and they were nowhere to be found. I didn't even find "water crackers" or peanut butter snack crackers.

The Swedish people appear to be a very cold natured bunch! Yes it is cool here but they are bundled up with scarves, hats, gloves and boots. You would think it was below freezing.

Well I think I will turn in. We need to get up at 7:00 so that we can catch the train @ 11:00. We are going to try to see some of Stockholm before we leave. The train ride will take 4-5 hours so it should be interesting.

On a side note as we were listening to the game, they started talking about the starting time for the TN game next week. Guess what they said "Alabama time" I just had to laugh and point that out to Dennis. Alabama just made a huge stop on 4th and inches!

Leave us a comment or email me at

Go Bama Beat Rebels!
They've GOT to FINISH!


1 comment:

pbolton said...

Hey Robin and Dennis! Hope things are exciting there. Loved the "Alabama Time" reference. If only they would say "slow time", tee hee.

I have a pool started at BMa to see how many arguements you all will have during your trip . . ;-)

Have fun,